Canadian Police Want Tech To Access Private CCTV Cameras in Real-Time

If you’re tired of censorship and dystopian threats against civil liberties, subscribe to Reclaim The Net. Canadian police forces are investigating the use of advanced technology that taps into home and business security camera feeds. This controversial move, lauded by some for its potential to streamline law enforcement, is also raising alarms among privacy advocates and policing researchers, concerned over the potential for overreaching surveillance. Police services in Canadian cities are contemplating a tech-forward evolution akin to that seen in some US cities, where officers can monitor real-time feeds from a network of private security cameras. These cameras cover crime scenes, emergency incident areas, and everything in between. Related: Some Private CCTV Footage Is Being Automatically Streamed to Law Enforcement In early October, the Real-Time Crime Center Operations and Tech Integration conference took place in Mississauga, Ontario. Here, several police agencies, including Hamilton’s, learned about Fusus, a paid service facilitating easier and faster police access to private security camera footage. In the US, it’s an increasingly common crime-fighting tool, but in Canada, its application could be hampered by privacy regulations and public opinion. Natasha Tusikov, a criminology professor from York University and former analyst with Criminal Intelligence Service Canada, encouraged Canadians to contemplate what kind of policing practices they desire in light of this advancement. As reported by CBC, the technology, as good as it might seem, must not blind us to the important questions about privacy and individual rights, she said. However, Tusikov asserts that availability should not dictate…Canadian Police Want Tech To Access Private CCTV Cameras in Real-Time