Michael Flynn, a school teacher in England, was fired over a Facebook post appealing to parents of youngsters who threatened to rape and murder his family. On May 23, a group of youngsters attempted to take a bicycle from his front yard. His wife, Angela, a former police officer in the US, asked them to leave. One of them threatened to stab her and come back with people who would rape and murder her family. Later, Flynn made a post on Facebook to appeal to the perpetrator’s parents to contact him. “Four kids tried to steal a pushbike from my front garden. When challenged they were verbally abusive and threatening to my wife,” his post read. “A chase ensued, one kid lost his shoes in the conflict. If this is your son, you may want to contact me before I contact the police. “Twydall is a small place and I will find him sooner or later. “So, if you want to sort this out calmly, I suggest the parents PM me or I will sort this out my way.” The next day, the group returned with the intent to throw a large rock through a window. Flynn looked out and they ran off. The following day, Flynn was fired over his Facebook post. “I have stolen nothing and I’ve threatened no one. I am the victim of a crime, yet I am being punished,” he said. “I loved teaching and this is certainly not the way I wanted to end…UK: Teacher Is Fired Over Facebook Post Retaliating Against Youths That Threatened To Kill His Family