According to Twitter owner Elon Musk, Twitter is planning to purge accounts. No, not accounts belonging to extremists, neo-Nazis, or spreaders of disinformation.Twitter is planning to purge inactive accounts.”We’re purging accounts that have had no activity at all for several years, so you will probably see follower count drop,” Musk said in a tweet. Tweet may have been deleted (opens in a new tab) It’s unclear when Twitter plans on doing so. The way Musk’s tweet is worded makes it seem like the company is actively in the process now.And that’s a big problem for Twitter and its users if so.For one, what counts as activity? Many Twitter users don’t tweet; they just log in to read content from the accounts they follow. According to Twitter’s own official policy, the company actually considers an account inactive if the user hasn’t logged in for 30 days. However, Twitter has rarely, if ever, taken action against users’ accounts for simply not logging in for a month.But Twitter users, even Musk fans and those that pay to subscribe to his exclusive tweet content through the platform’s Subscription feature, had a more pressing concern: Twitter accounts belonging to the deceased. Tweet may have been deleted (opens in a new tab) Tweet may have been deleted (opens in a new tab) Tweet may have been deleted (opens in a new tab) This is a serious issue. Celebrities and other notable users who have passed away have obviously not logged in for years. Removing dormant accounts…Elon Musk says Twitter will start 'purging' dormant accounts