Have you ever wondered what subscription services your friends pay for? No, we’re not talking mainstream streaming platforms like Disney+ or mundane online cloud services like Google One. What if you knew the weird things your friends are paying for?Well, Twitter just made a version of that possible on its platform. Twitter has a feature called “Subscriptions,” which allows users to pay a monthly fee to their favorite Twitter creators in exchange for exclusive, paywalled tweets. The feature is not new. It has existed since 2021 as “Super Follows,” but has taken new prominence as “Subscriptions” on the platform as Twitter owner Elon Musk has focused on growing subscription-based services. But, this week, Twitter did launch something new related to Subscriptions. Twitter has quietly rolled out a new metric feature on the platform that shows exactly who users are paying to subscribe to.If a user pays to subscribe to a Twitter creator using the Subscriptions feature, a Subscriptions metric will appear on their profile alongside their Following and Followers count. As of May 24, Elon Musk subscribes to 75 users via Twitter’s Subscriptions feature. Credit: Mashable screenshot For example, looking at Elon Musk’s Twitter account, his profile shows that he is paying to subscribe to 75 Twitter accounts. Among the accounts he’s subscribed to include a few meme accounts, a handful of Tesla fan accounts, and a multitude of right wing personalities such as LibsofTikTok, Ian Miles Cheong, and the conservative “satire” website The Babylon Bee.Making this metric public is certainly…Twitter now publicly shows who you're paying to subscribe to via Subscriptions