Reddit has been on the receiving end of massive online protests from its own users over the past few weeks, with swaths of the platform being completely unusable by visitors at times.So, the company has seemingly decided that now would be the perfect time to once again roll out r/Place, a big blank canvas where users can display pixel art on an online public space.Naturally, Redditors have taken this opportunity to voice their opinions on Reddit in pixelated art form.For example, “Fuck Spez” has been scrawled all over the r/Place canvas for all of Reddit’s visitors to see. Spez is the Reddit username used by the company’s CEO Steve Hoffman, who the platform’s users have blamed for many recent unpopular decisions made on the platform. Credit: Screenshot: Reddit Reddit announced the return of r/Place on Wednesday. The company launched previous versions in 2017 and again in 2022. Reddit explained that the 2023 version was originally planned for April, but various setbacks (and the blackout protests) pushed this year’s r/Place to launch on Thursday, July 20. “Better late than never?” reads the r/Place announcement post from Reddit. The comments section quickly filled up with users posting “API” in the comments. This is a reference to the main issue users have with Reddit: the new exorbitantly priced API. Many popular third-party developers were forced to shut down their Reddit-based apps earlier this month after the company started charging a per-usage subscription fee for an API which was once free. The developer behind Apollo for…Reddit relaunched r/Place public art canvas. Redditors immediately protest on it.