New Emails Show Amazon Caved to Biden Admin Pressure To Censor Covid Books That Expressed Dissenting Views

If you’re tired of censorship and dystopian threats against civil liberties, subscribe to Reclaim The Net. Yet another member of the Big Tech club is exposed for collusion with the Biden White House. It’s about Amazon now, and the censoring of dissenting Covid-related books. New emails that have just become public showing Amazon under pressure from the Biden administration, and, giving in to it. The emails saw the light of day thanks to a subpoena issued by the House Committee on the Judiciary, its chairman, Jim Jordan, revealed on X. The current White House went as far to interfere with the business of a privately-owned company as to make Amazon “to censor books that expressed views the White House did not approve of.” And when books are censored/removed/burned – the last point referring to literal, but also in the digital age, figurative action – it’s historically heralding a point of no return, at least for a democracy. What appears to have happened here is the Biden administration, ignoring restrictions on interfering in speech enshrined in the very Constitution Joe Biden swore on when assuming office – going to Amazon and asking for “anti-vax” books to be suppressed. The less relevant part of the story is that Amazon obliged – of course it would. It’s the White House role that is of true interest. And so, no surprise that Amazon (given what it has to lose) was the one that appears to have taken initiative in this business. According to the…New Emails Show Amazon Caved to Biden Admin Pressure To Censor Covid Books That Expressed Dissenting Views