The Twitter Files are over.At least, that’s what Elon Musk expressed following his falling out with the project’s head writer Matt Taibbi.”At a certain point, I think we need to move on from the Twitter Files,” Musk said in a Twitter Space audio chat earlier this week. “I think there’s a few things left. General, there’s not a lot that I’m aware of that’s left.””It’s mostly just like, you know, let’s move on to the future,” said Musk. Tweet may have been deleted (opens in a new tab) Remember, the Twitter Files were promoted by Musk and his supporters as a big deal. Matt Taibbi, Bari Weiss, and a few other writers hand-picked by Musk began publishing reports based on internal Twitter documents and access provided to them by Musk. These documents supposedly showed Twitter’s bias against conservatives as well as interference by the U.S. government to censor certain posts and users.In reality, the released information showed former Twitter employees engaging in fairly even-handed, basic content moderation found on almost any social media platform. Nevertheless, Musk’s curated narrative broke through with conservatives and Musk fans. There were even Congressional hearings held based on the Twitter Files where former employees shared just how much was missing from Musk’s chosen documents.Still though, Congressional hearings were held! Multiple Twitter Files were published. Conservative media ran with these stories again and again. These Twitter Files were a big deal according to Musk and his supporters. And yet, Musk is now just saying it’s time to…Elon Musk said the Twitter Files were basically dead. Barely anyone noticed.